Monday 5 April 2010

Honey and Lemon Muffins


50g (1 3/4 oz)unrefined caster sugar
2 tbsp unsalted butter, melted and cooled slightly
150ml (5 fl oz) buttermilk
2 eggs, beaten
4 tbsp honey
finely grated rind of 1 lemon and juice of 1/2 lemon
225g (8 oz) plain flour
150g (5 1/2 oz) oat bran
1 1/2 tbsp baking powder

For a 12 hole muffin pan it will take 25mins at 180 deg C (350 deg F)

1) Line the muffin tray with paper cases. Put the sugar, butter,buttermilk, eggs, 2tbsp of honey and lemon rind into a jug and mix briefly.
2) Sift flour into a large mixing bowl then add the oat bran and baking powder and mix. Make a well in the centre and add the mixture from part 1. Quickly mix, but do not overmix as it should be slightly lumpy.
3) Spoon mixture into the paper cases and bake for 25mins.
4) Mix lemon juice with 2tbsp honey and drizzle over muffins whilst hot. Stand for 10mins before serving.



They do smell good, and indeed look better than initially thought when done. However, after biting into the top and tasting that lemon-honey drizzle, the rest of the muffin is pretty tasteless afterwards. The bottom half resembles a tea cake/scone type of item which would do excellently with some jam or butter to add to the flavour and bring in some moisture.

I am not sure if the fact that I used a makeshift buttermilk, and didn't use melted butter had anything to do with it. Doubtful though as it looks, smells and tastes more 'healthy' than the additional muffins ( I am thinking chocolate chip, double chocolate chip here...)


  1. Why don't you remove each from their cases then, slice them through their lower portion and put a layer of Jam, thus making mini Jam Sponge type cakes with a Lemon drizzle top. Maybe use Lemon Curd instead of Jam to make them mini Lemon Cakes

  2. I will be trying that next time, I have no jam around at the mo! I will be eating them with milk for the time being...
